Loved Ones of Survivors of Abuse
This site used to be the homepage of the LOSA webring, but the webring has been destroyed. Far too much time spent switching from webring to yahoo and back to webring again. Too many sites not maintaining the code and broken links. Pages that had been approved suddenly having pornographic content. I had to spend far too much time trying to maintain the integrity of the ring. Just not worth the hassle. But I intend to keep the information here that I've always had here. May your path to healing be made easier by the information and support you find on these pages.
With Love and Light,
If you are a survivor and you've found your way here, please take a moment to read the following. I came up with this after reading a piece called "What We, the Survivor, Want You to Know About Us."
What WE, your loved ones, want YOU, the survivor, to know
about us...