Uranus Aspects to Neptune

Uranus Conjunct Neptune Uranus Trine Neptune Uranus Square Neptune
Uranus Sextile Neptune Uranus Inconjunct Neptune Uranus Opposite Neptune

Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Uranus in the Signs Uranus in the Houses Uranus Aspects to the Pluto
Uranus Aspects to Ascendant Uranus Aspects to Midheaven Uranus Aspects to North Node

Uranus Conjunct Neptune: You're insightful, intuitive, kind, original, and extremely self-willed. You have a keen imagination and mental and emotional sensitivity. You're attuned to subtle forces of nature, and are influenced by superphysical forces related to the sign(s) and especially the house(s) involved. You can be an artistic genius if well aspected. You tend to become involved in secret spiritual societies and religious organizations. You're capable of contributing to major spiritual and scientific progress for humanity.
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Uranus Trine Neptune: You're kind, intuitive, sensitive and have highly developed spiritual faculties. You have Utopian ideals and may have great appeal to the masses. You tend to join organizations designed to teach astrology, yoga, the occult and subjects meant to raise the overall level of civilizations spiritual realization to a higher plane. You have a definite attraction for the mystical and the occult, clairvoyance and the development of your intuition. You like to find your own means of expression, even if against accepted norms. You're very suspicious of the government.
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Uranus Square Neptune: It's your karma to live in a time of social turmoil and you're subject to strange, sudden, elusive and/or upsetting conditions in affairs related to the sign and especially the houses involved. You're prone to emotional confusion and mediumistic or occult matters can be a source of trouble. You can be high strung, nervous, willful, intense, easily upset, over-indulgent, intensely emotional and either rebellious or apathetic. Your ideas and opinions, although highly idealistic, are set, confused and impractical. You may become involved in secret societies and intrigue and may indulge in drugs or alcohol.
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Uranus Sextile Neptune: You're idealistic, intuitive, kind, sensitive and are interested in occult and mystical pursuits. You have opportunities to develop and expand spiritual consciousness and create a more Utopian way of life for yourself and others. You're likely to write or study books on occult and mystical subjects, and your artistic ability reflects a highly developed imagination. You love music and all that expands your consciousness, but you like to find your own means of self-expression, even if it goes against accepted norms. You tend to join fraternal groups and may have great appeal to the masses. You're very suspicious of the government.
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Uranus Inconjunct Neptune: You're intensely emotional, creatively original and often over-indulgent. Your feeling that you haven't done enough can lead to rebellion or apathy. Your willingness to fight all injustice makes you a great benefactor of the underdog.
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Uranus Opposite Neptune: You live in a time of social unrest in which conditions force you to choose sides in large religious, political and social controversies. You often respond to these situations automatically and according to accepted societal norms. You're high strung, intensely emotional, easily upset, over-indulgent and either rebellious or apathetic. You know your own limits but have deep inner fears your security will be taken away. Your idealism is confused or impractical. Care is needed in the use of psychic forces. You can be neurotic, extremist, fanatical or have rigid, unreasonable attitudes, unusual sexual involvements or a tendency to escape through drugs or alcohol.
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