Gebo: Partnership |
Divine Creator: Let me remember that everyone I meet is a partner in the great adventure called life. Since true partnerships can only be formed between equals, let me not seek to place myself above anyone, nor sacrifice my values simply to be considered another's equal. As I seek to increase my awareness and knowledge, let me willingly share that information with others. Help me remember I cannot force anyone to learn but let me always be ready and willing to teach. Should my partner choose not to grow with me, grant me the courage and strength to let them go their own way. Remind me all partnerships are but reflections of the ultimate partnership of the Self with the Divine and let me treat my partners with the same unconditional love and acceptance that you have always given me. Let me truly appreciate the time I spend with and the lessons I learn from the many partners I have met and will yet meet during my life. Help me put those lessons to wise use that I might bring myself closer to you.