Voices for a New Tomorrow:
Religion/Spirituality Working Group


The Religion and Spirituality Working Group (RSWG) of Voices for a New Tomorrow is overjoyed to present "Ten Affirmations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered (GLBT) Spirituality". Below you will find the text of the ten affirmations as well as those religious and/or spiritual communities that have endorsed or support these affirmations.

There is a printable plain text copy of the affirmations here and a colorful graphic (suitable for framing) of the affirmations here or here. You'll need to use your back button to get back to this page.

While Voices for a New Tomorrow's RSWG has chosen not to copyright these affirmations, if you put the graphic on a homepage, please link to http://rainbowsendpress.com/voices/affirm.html so that others may have access not only to the affirmations but also to the other resources that are given on these pages.

Ten Affirmations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
and Transgendered (GLBT) Spirituality

1. We celebrate the unity we create in the midst of our diversity.

2. We affirm the inherent beauty, worth, and dignity of every GLBT and straight person.

3. There are many paths to the sacred. The spiritual paths of GLBT persons are among them.

4. The choice is not whether to be GLBT or straight but whether or not to live an authentic life.

5. Coming out is a courageous and spiritual act.

6. Sexual expression is one of the many sacred ways that GLBT and straight adults can express the depth of love in their relationships.

7. We support each person's journey of integrating spirituality and sexuality which leads to wholeness.

8. Marriage is a sacred union for people who are committed to each other without regard to gender. Love makes a family.

9. Spiritual leaders must take responsibility to lead, protect, and affirm GLBT people: children, adults, and their families.

10. No one is free when others are oppressed.


To date, these affirmations have been endorsed by the following communities (clicking on the name of most will take you to their website):

Metropolitan Community Church of Pittsburgh: 412.683.2994
Zen Center of Pittsburgh: 412.741.1262
East Suburban Unitarian-Universalist Church: 724.327.5872
Ecumenical Church of Light/Center of Light: 412.768.9107
Three Rivers Dharma Center (No website information available at this time)
Gay Spirituality Program (No website information available at this time): 412.422.0114
Religious Society of Friends, Pittsburgh Monthly Meeting: 412.683.2669
Shepherd Wellness Community: 412.683.4477
St. Andrew Lutheran Church Council: 412.682.3342
Unitarian Universalist Church of Smithton
Lutherans Concerned, Pittsburgh Chapter: 724.228.0914
The Taskforce on Ministry with Sexual Minorities of Pittsburgh Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (No website information available at this time.)
Bet Tikvah: 412.362.7025
The Community of Mindful Living in Pittsburgh: Laughing Rivers Sangha (Buddhist): 412.624.5080 (Tony)
Dignity Pittsburgh: 412.362.4334
Interweave, First Unitarian Church (No website information available at this time): 412.621.8008
Resonance: 412.848.2037
The Church of the Redeemer(Episcopal), Outreach Committee: 412.422.7100  

If your spiritual community, or a group within it, would like to join this list of endorsing communities, you can get information about how to endorse these affirmations by contacting the GLCC of Pittsburgh or PERSAD Inc. by phone or by website:

GLCC of Pittsburgh: 412.422.0114
PERSAD: 412.441.9786

You may also print out an endorsement form, but we first ask that you read the following letter.

For a list of resources for GLBT's searching for an affirming and/or welcoming spiritual community, please click here.