
The following are some articles I've written on spirituality and other topics of interest. I hope you enjoy reading them. If you have any comments (positive or negative), please feel free to email me. Unless you tell me otherwise, I will respond to your email respectfully.

I've had some comments that it's difficult to find some of the articles, so I have alphabetized them. [Note: If the title of the article you're looking for begins with "A" or "The", it will be listed under the first letter of the next word. Eg: "A Serious Parody" will be listed under "S".] It's now possible to monitor this page for changes, although truth be told, most of my writing nowadays is on one of two blogs: AnotherPOV and RevRainbowlady's Hub Page or on my Facebook page. However, in the event I put new articles on this site, they will always be added at the top of the list, no more than once a week, so you'll have at least a week to view them (and quite likely, longer than that.) Then when I add more new articles, the ones added the week before will be placed in their proper place in the main list alphabetically.

If you want to monitor this page for changes, just click on the "Monitor Changes" button and a new window will open and you can enter your email address. Then anytime I add more articles to this page, a friendly reminder will appear in your inbox.

I wrote the following booklet entitled "A Layman's Guide to Loving a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse." It's based on my own experiences and on untold conversations with both survivors and their parnters. I hope it will help those in relationships with survivors to understand the dynamics of their relationships and how to find help in coping with the emotions that always seem to accompany loving a survivor.

The booklet is free of charge and permission is granted to copy it in its entirety and pass it on to whomever you think might find it useful. But please, download the book to your own computer before passing it on to someone else. The file is in .pdf form and you'll need a reader to open it. (Adobe Acrobat offers one free of charge.) If you can't download the reader, email me and I'll send you the booklet as a .doc file.

The link for this booklet will not be placed among the regular articles and will always remain here at the top of this page. To download the file, right click on the booklet title and then left click on "Save link as" or "Save link target as" (not sure how it will be phrased for your browser.) The file is 468KB.

A Layman's Guide to Loving a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse

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by ChangeDetection

  • Actions Speak Louder than Words
    • How many people do you know that walk the walk instead of talking the talk?
  • An Alternative Point of View
    • An actual letter sent to one of those Bible tract publishers.
  • America Is Not a Democracy!
    • Really! We're not! Never have been and hopefully never will be.
  • Anarchy or True Freedom
    • The laws of this country are what's really taking away your freedom.
  • Another Brick in the Wall
    • The political agenda of the radical religious right will once again make women second class citizens.
  • Broken Promises or False Premises
    • Why are so many males in crisis today?
  • Can We Ever Really Have Total Freedom
    • Freedom brings with it a certain responsibility: to respect that same freedom for others.
  • A Christian Nation?
    • Was the US ever meant to be a Christian nation? Things that members of the radical religious right don't want you to think about.
  • Conscientious Objectors
    • And I'm not talking about the draft...
  • Creating Reality
    • A theory on why religion evolved as it did.
  • Dangerous Thinking
    • There's a group out there making claims about HIV/AIDS that, if believed by many people, will cause the rate of infection to skyrocket. Yet this same group claims a conspiracy by the entire medical profession to target blacks and minorities.
  • Effective Debating 101
    • If you feel you must debate those who seek to convert you, here's a lesson on what's most effective.
  • Everyday Doublespeak
    • What are some of the conflicting messages we send to our kids and how can we stop?
  • The Exercise of Free Will
    • Where is the line between exercising your free will and imposing your will on others?
  • Ex-Gay Ministries
    • Ex-gay ministries are springing up all over the country. Here's a look at their methodology and why it doesn't work.
  • Extremes
    • Extremes are all the rage, from sports to religion.
  • Faith Based Initiatives=Government Sponsored Discrimination
    • A discussion as to why the Bush administrations faith based initiatives are not only unconstitutional but a threat to all faiths.
  • Fear-Mongering
    • Another example of the distortions and propoganda put out by the radical religious right-- this time the ACLJ.
  • Finding Your Faith
    • Faith is a personal matter, so how can anyone help you to find it?
  • For the Love Of...
    • Well, they want you to think it's "God, country and love", but it's not.
  • The Freedom to Marry
    • Ten percent of US citizens are legally denied the right to marry.
  • Free Will: A Discourse of Sorts
    • Can faiths that believe it's their way or hell have free will?
  • The Gay Agenda
    • Finally, at long last, this secret document is revealed! ;-)
  • Gay Marriage
    • Countering the reasons many people give against allowing gay marriage.
  • The Greatest Threat
    • Do you consider a terrorist attack the greatest threat to your freedom? If you do, you're sorely mistaken.
  • The Hidden Minority
    • All of us belong to at least one minority. But some minorities are not as obvious as others.
  • History Always Repeats Itself
    • As long as we look outside of ourselves to find our "salvation", we will continue to have false "messiahs".
  • Hypocrisy: The Second Key to Terrorism
    • Terrorism is violence or intimidation carried out by hypocritical fundamentalists.
  • It's All in the Delivery
    • Two men relate almost the same message: one is accepted, one is not. Why?
  • It's Simple Really
    • The difference between legal and moral is the difference between constitutional and unconstitutional.
  • Judge Not
    • How do we follow the Bible's apparently contradictory commands to "Judge not" and "judge ye with righteous judgment"?
  • Just to Clarify...
    • Many may think I'm anti-Christian, but I'm not.
  • Maggie Gallagher, You've Got Mail!
    • My response to an article written by this nationally syndicated conservatvie columnist.
  • Making History
    • A look at two history making events: one bestowing equality, the other taking it away.
  • The Most Amazing Book Ever Written
    • The Bible is the best selling book of all time.
  • The New Patriotism
    • Patriotism and conformity didn't used to be synonymous.
  • Prescription for Poison
    • How humor can poison our minds.
  • Presidential Oathbreaking
    • Making a promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States means protecting the rights of all citizens, not just those who think like you do.
  • Proud to Serve
    • You don't have to go through boot camp to defend the ideals this country was founded upon.
  • Pulling Weeds and Planting Seeds
    • Getting tired of repeating the same arguments over and over for civil rights and equality? Keep at it!
  • The Purple Hat Project
    • A (hopefully) annual event in support of National Coming Out Day.
  • Raising a Rebel or a Bigot
    • Is my son's recent behavior normal teenage rebellion or is he becoming a bigot?
  • Read Between the Lines
    • How to really read the propoganda put out by the radical religious right (Christian Coalition).
  • The Real History of Marriage
    • Don't buy the line that marriage between one man and one woman has been the foundation of civilization.
  • A Rebuttal
    • When a newspaper publishes an op-ed piece that flat out states that gay marriage is wrong, it screams for a logical rebuttal.
  • Redefining Orientation
    • It's not about sex, so let's drop the use of the term "sexual" in front of orientation...
  • A Return to Our Roots
    • It's obvious that our elected officials are clueless as to the meaning of the US Declaration of Independence, the principles of which became the cornerstone for the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Here's what they're missing.
  • Of Revolution and Pyramids
    • What does the number three have to do with revolutions?
  • The Road to Denver
    • A metaphoric journey from Pittsburgh to Denver.
  • Science and Faith
    • Considered by many to be like mixing oil and water— or is it?
  • Self-Help
    • Until we're ready to help ourselves, no one can really help us at all.
  • A Serious Parody
    • After stumbling on an ex-gay site's rant against equality for gays, I gave them a taste of their own medicine.
  • Sliding Down the Slippery Slope
    • When does moral relativity became an excuse for hurting others?
  • Smoke and Mirrors
    • Just another example of the way the radical religious right obscures the real issues with misrepresentation, distortion and outright lies.
  • So It Continues...
    • Just because we have laws banning discrimination doesn't mean that discrimination has stopped.
  • Sometimes You Gotta Laugh
    • When frustration levels get too high, sometimes the best thing to do is to laugh at whatever it is that's frustrating you.
  • Spiritual Maturity
    • Is there such a thing as spiritual maturity? Do different religions have different levels of maturity? How do we measure it if there is?
  • Things That Make You Say "Huh?"
    • Did you ever read a story in the newspaper that made you ask "What were they thinking?"
  • Two Truths: One Goal
    • Can two apparently contradictory truths both be true at the same time?
  • A Traitor by Any Other Name...
    • Judas Iscariot's name is synonymous with betrayal, but did he betray Jesus?
  • Unanswered Questions
    • Lots of unanswered questions about 9/11.
  • Untitled
    • Can you guess who I'm talking about?
  • War Games
    • The line between reality and fantasy comes full circle.
  • What Do They Have to Lose?
    • What the military doesn't want you to know about their recruiting tactics.
  • What If...
    • Trying to relate to such a pluralistic society is often difficult, but when you put it in terms of the make up of 100 people, it's easier to see just how lucky you are.
  • What's It Going to Take?
    • How many of our constitutional rights must be taken away before we do something about it?
  • Where There's a Will...
    • The fight to ban abortions is as pointless as Prohibition.

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